Chartering a Boat in the Mergui Archipelago

Chartering a Boat in the Mergui Archipelago

We traveled to Myanmar from Thailand November 2017 and charted (what turned out to be a) a private boat to cruise the Mergui Archipelago for five days and four nights. Read more about our adventure below. Getting there: We flew into Phuket from Singapore, and…

My Annapurna Circuit Diary

My Annapurna Circuit Diary

From sunrise to sunset each day, this was my experience on the trek. It wasn’t always pretty (or fun) but it was one of rewarding experiences of my life. Arrival day in Kathmandu We arrived in Kathmandu from Istanbul at 6:30am. Unbeknownst to us, this…

Beginner’s Guide to Hiking the Annapurna Circuit (Am I going to die?!)

Beginner’s Guide to Hiking the Annapurna Circuit (Am I going to die?!)

So you’re going to Nepal to hike the Annapurna Circuit and you don’t have much (any?) hiking experience? Good news! I survived the same predicament in November of 2017. Below you’ll find the 10 questions that immediately popped into my head when my husband suggested…